Social Value | Chevron Traffic Management Skip to main content


Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond environmental initiatives; it encompasses our responsibility to contribute positively to society.

In 2023, we implemented a comprehensive Social Value Strategy that revolves around three core pillars: economic prosperity, equal opportunities, and health and wellbeing. These pillars are delivered at three distinct levels: national, local, and project- specific. This strategic approach ensures that our impact and outcomes are targeted precisely at specific areas and their unique needs, all while being supported by nationwide action and support.


Our social value framework

Economic prosperity: At the heart of our strategy is a commitment to fostering economic prosperity. We recognise that thriving local economies contribute to a sustainable future. On a national level, we support the Trussell Trust, a leading charity dedicated to combating food poverty. This partnership helps address economic disparities at the grassroots level by providing essential support to those in need. At a local and project-specific level, we undertake initiatives that boost local employment, encourage the growth of small businesses, and promote economic resilience within communities.


  • 1,948 people employed in the UK


Equal opportunities: We believe in creating a world where equal opportunities are accessible to all. Our partnership with the Royal British Legion Industries on a national level reflects our commitment to supporting veterans and their families, ensuring that they have access to the opportunities they deserve. At the local and project-specific levels, we work to remove barriers to equality by implementing inclusive hiring practices, promoting diversity, and providing opportunities for marginalised groups within our workforce.


  • 148 hours of career advice, CV support and mentoring to prison leavers


Health and wellbeing: The health and wellbeing of our communities and employees are paramount. On a national level, we collaborate with the British Heart Foundation and the Rainbow Trust, supporting their efforts to enhance health and wellbeing outcomes across the UK. At the local and project-specific levels, we invest in initiatives that promote physical and mental health, facilitate access to healthcare, and improve overall quality of life for individuals and communities.


  • 229 hours volunteering for community projects


Our policy framework

To ensure the delivery of social value is at the forefront of our operations, we have established a robust policy framework. This framework underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering social value in every project we undertake. It outlines our dedication to creating a positive social impact and improving the lives of individuals and communities through our work.


Employee engagement

Our commitment to social value extends to our employees as well. We firmly believe that our people play a pivotal role in driving positive change. As part of our commitment, we provide entitlement to volunteering leave, allowing our employees to actively engage in volunteering activities that support our social value pillars. Additionally, we have committed to matching employee fundraising up to £250 to further amplify the impact of our employees' contributions to charitable organisations.

At the Chevron Group, we highly value the input and insights of our employees. In 2021, we launched our Voice of the Employee programme to encourage open dialogue and gather direct feedback from our workforce. In 2022, we expanded this initiative through depot visits and 39 interactive sessions, involving over 200 employees.

During these sessions, we posed three crucial questions:

  • What is the experience of working at the Chevron Group like?
  • If you were in charge, what changes would you make?
  • What aspects would you never alter?

The responses illuminated four key areas: communication, recognition, equality, and career development. To address these, we established four employee-led focus groups, each dedicated to one of these topics.

These groups convene regularly, allowing employees to share their experiences, voice concerns, and suggest solutions. By harnessing diverse perspectives, we aim to create a more inclusive and engaging workplace. We are unwavering in our commitment to actively listen, implement suggestions, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Our Voice of the Employee programme and focus groups underscore our dedication to valuing the voices of our workforce. As we move forward, we will continue to encourage open dialogue, refine practices, and shape the future of our organisation with the invaluable input of our employees.


Partnering for impact

Collaboration is at the core of our social value initiatives. Our partnerships with national charities — The Trussell Trust, Royal British Legion Industries, the British Heart Foundation, and the Rainbow Trust — enable us to leverage their expertise and resources to make a significant and lasting impact. Together, we work towards achieving our social value goals and enhancing the well-being of communities nationwide.

Through our comprehensive Social Value Strategy, policy framework, and impactful partnerships, we are committed to leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the communities we serve.



Our certifications, accreditations and memberships

Builders Profile
Construction Line
Chevron PAS 2080
ROSPA President's Award
Greener Highways