Chevron Traffic Management have started 2019 with a national push to grow their StreetWorks division.
As the UK’s leading provider of traffic management on the highspeed strategic road network, the company is focusing on significantly increasing its capability across the Local Authority road network, providing temporary traffic lights, lane closures and stop and go services nationally across England and Wales.
To support growth in this sector, Chevron have appointed three new dedicated StreetWorks Development Managers.
Eddie McFarland will focus on working with customers across the north of England, while Chris Davis and Matt Hunt will operate across the south.
Operations will be delivered from Chevron’s existing network of depots established across the country, with plans for a further three depots to be opened within the next 12 months.
“This is an important part of our ongoing company strategy to create better work zone safety” commented Nick Denning, Chevron’s Business Development Director.
“Chevron’s high level of experience and innovation developed over the past 20 years within our organisation will continue to make the StreetWorks market safer and more productive, whilst delivering excellent customer service for the benefit of all”.
For more information, the Chevron Streetworks team can be contacted at