Alongside our traffic management services, we partner with our sister company Chevron Green Services to help clients maintain, manage, control and enhance their natural environments.
With the natural world and sustainability rooted at the heart of everything they do, Chevron Green Services provides support for the long-term life cycle of client projects. Their mission is to achieve inclusion and integration into the wider environment, providing biodiverse habitats for generations to come.
Services include:
- Verge and grass cutting
- Arboriculture and tree works
- Vegetation management
- Weed and pest control
- Water course maintenance
- Fencing
- Mechanised arboriculture
- Hydroseeding
The consultancy division – Chevron Green Consultancy –, provides bespoke professional advisory services to assist clients with creating sustainable environments by developing and improving their maintenance and management schemes. Our consultancy expertise covers arboriculture, ecological services, environmental management and landscape management. The consultancy division comprises experienced ecological and environmental consultants to help clients improve biodiversity, provide sustainable solutions, and enhance the overall environment.
Their arboricultural consultancy team provides surveys and management services for the improvement of both individual and groups of trees. They advise landowners on how to fulfil their obligations as responsible tree owners, whilst assisting in reducing the risks from premature tree failure.
Consultancy services include:
- Biodiversity Net Gain assessments
- Protected species surveys
- Ecological Clerk of Works
- Extended phase 1 surveys
- Environment Impact Assessment
- Tree inspections
- QTRA tree risk assessment
- Woodland management plans
To find out more about the services offered, visit the Chevron Green Services website.