Managing Self & Others
This is one way of creating a more meaningful work experience today for yourself and for others. Managing yourself means learning how to work with others in a productive and profitable way, for mental and physical gain and not purely commercial improvement.
Taking care of my team remotely
Managing remote working for some of us will be a new challenge, and for many of us this might be the first time we are working mostly from home.
Managing health conditions
Simple adjustments at work can make a big difference to help you to stay at work.
Sleep and shift work
Our shift workers are key workers, and the life blood of our Company. Establishing good sleeping patterns and eating habits can be a challenging. This is because our bodies have evolved to operate by being asleep during the night and awake during the daylight hours.
Shift work health management
Shift workers often face challenges in relation to their sleeping patterns and eating habits. This is because our bodies have evolved to operate in a certain way; to be asleep during the night and awake during the daylight hours.
Tips on managing change
Change is the only constant in life. This information sheet will provide some useful ideas to help you manage change.