Having a consistent and positive approach to changing the culture of how staff engage with health, safety and wellbeing initiatives alongside our commitment to the use and development of digital services within traffic management, has contributed towards the Chevron Group reaching seven million working hours without a RIDDOR.
The milestone, which was reached earlier this month, has followed the roll-out of a number of projects and initiatives across the group, including a focus on mental health and wellbeing campaigns that are more effective at engaging with the workforce. The company’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIF) is also current at 0.0, highlighting once again how much Chevron is committed to creating a safe workplace for its staff.
Chevron uses a range of digital solutions aimed at significantly improving safety of road workers and road users. This includes a range of Personal Safety Alarms (PSAs) as well as the Smart Closure system, which enables the remote monitoring of closure points whilst providing a deterrent to road users attempting to breach the closure. Where traffic management personnel are present to manage work access points, Smart Closure provides them with the ability to instantly warn the workforce in the case of an incursion.
Being able to remove traffic management personnel from areas of potential confrontation enhances site safety as well as operational efficiency.
Chevron’s Customer Communication Terminals are also changing the way the company interacts with the public. This focus on improving customer satisfaction and experience of works has seen Chevron, in partnership with its sister company, HRS recently nominated for a Highways England award in the category Excellence in Customer Service.
Some of the recent campaigns that have helped the Chevron Group achieve its success include the #letstalkb*ll*cks initiative. Launched in 2019, the campaign was set up to deal with the important subject of health and wellbeing in a light-hearted way to try and have a better impact on a male-dominated workforce. In a short space of time, the campaign was a success with more staff visiting their GP after recognising symptoms highlighted in the campaign. Overall, the campaign contributed towards less accidents, staff taking less time off work and an overall happier and healthier team who work to the ‘treating health like safety’ philosophy.
Chevron’s Sustainability Strategy has set out its commitment to achieve the same number of Mental Health First Aiders as physical First Aiders by 2023. Chevron believes, it is important that mental health has the same status as physical health within the workplace and this can only be achieved through continued raising of awareness, according to the company.
In 2018 Chevron supported National Stress Awareness Day and encouraged volunteers to come forward if they wanted to become a Mental Health First Aider. We had an excellent response, and this has helped develop our mental health first aider resource within our business. To support the development of our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Chevron carried out a major review of our policies and procedures to make sure they supported the strategy. The rollout of this strategy saw us join up to the Mates in Mind campaign, as well as the traffic management specific initiative TM More (Talk More).
One of the principal safety initiatives has been the development and roll out of our Leadership and Development Programme. This unique programme taking best practice from elite sports, aviation and military sectors, provides employees with the leadership skills and confidence they need to drive a positive behavioural safety culture across the business.
In addition to maintaining our Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of 0.0, we have also seen a 30% reduction in non-reportable accidents and a 150% increase in the reporting of Health and Safety observations. This achievement is testament to the abilities of our employees to drive a safety culture that ensures works are planned, briefed and delivered with safety always at the forefront of everybody’s mind.
The Chevron Group, CEO Tim Cockayne commented "Reaching 7 million hours without a RIDDOR is a very proud moment for everyone at Chevron. This has been achieved by having a consistent and positive approach to changing the culture of how our staff engage with health, safety and wellbeing initiatives. Alongside our commitment to work zone safety and the use and development of digital services within traffic management, this provides a positive platform for further development across the road, rail, utility and event sectors".